Red Delicious Apples

The peak season for Red Delicious Apples in Queensland is typically from February to August.

Predominantly grown in cool climate regions, Red Delicious Apples thrive in parts of Victoria, Tasmania, and New South Wales. Their cultivation extends to some cooler areas of South Australia and Western Australia.

The Red Delicious Apple, known for its deep red skin and sweet taste, has been a staple in Australian households for decades. Originally favoured for its striking appearance and sweetness, the demand for Red Delicious has seen some fluctuation with the introduction of new varieties. However, it remains a popular choice for its distinctive flavour and versatility.

Red Delicious Apples are primarily enjoyed fresh due to their sweet taste and crisp texture. They are a common choice for school lunches and snacks. Though not typically used in cooking due to their mild flavour, they can be added to salads for a sweet crunch or used in juices and cider. Australians often enjoy them sliced with cheese or peanut butter as a healthy snack.

PLEASE NOTE: Not all fruit is available all year around. This is just a representation of our favourite fruits and vegetables we try have available instore. Please visit us for more details.

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